It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. ~Albert Einstein
Many of you of have probably seen my before and after photos comparing my weight loss. It is indeed a great accomplishment but I think it doesn't give a true picture of why my weight loss was so beneficial for my health. For those who have followed my blog for the past few years, you know that I have suffered a few health issues since becoming a mom. I experienced pre and post partum depression with my second child which was a very dark and lonely time for me. It was also heartbreaking to have these feelings of despair and hopelessness when I should be feeling elated with having a new baby. This was only the beginning of my health going on a downward spiral.
A year later I couldn't get rid of my baby weight and started to gain more weight! I was feeling very tired and sluggish as well as my muscles were constantly sore and achy. Every time I would have the energy to go and workout, I couldn't last more than a few minutes before I was in pain. It was very discouraging since I have previously always kept myself in great physical shape.
After the birth of my third child, my health started to get even worse! I had severe IBS, enlarged thyroid and lymph nodes, hair loss and other unpleasant symptoms. It felt like a storm of symptoms coming together all at once. It was then, after some tests from the doctors that I was identified as being borderline gluten and lactose intolerant. I was a bit relieved that we had found something to explain all the symptoms I have had for those years but my body felt so toxic after what I had been through. It wasn't until I received help from a local naturopath that my health finally started to turn around. He taught me what foods worked with my body to allow it to heal. I started using a variety of spices on my foods as well as herbal remedies. I never had the courage to cook with lentils or chickpeas, but they are now main staples in my diet. I also eat a very clean diet with little or no processed foods.

At this time, I noticed that the weight I had gained started to come off quite rapidly. I was able to start exercising again because my body wasn't it constant pain and I had the energy to do it. This really goes to show that a healthy, eat clean diet in combination with exercise is important to achieve your fitness and wellness goals . Even though I don't always believe that your the ultimate goal for your fitness goals is weight loss, but for many of us the weight we have gained are indications of other things such as emotional distraught, poor eating habits, stress, etc. I think that the first goal should always be to get into a routine of eating clean and exercising on a regular basis and then weight loss will be the positive effects from it. If you don't enjoy your fitness activity or nutrition plan, then you will not be successful in your weight loss.
This is why I have started the 10 Day Commit To Fit challenge to help others get a jump start towards their health and wellness goals. Sometimes we just need something to light the fire under us to get up and do it. For some of us like me, it wasn't until my health went sour and I didn't have a choice but to make the change. What is your motivation to get started?
Join me with 9 others on June 3rd and get the support to just get up and get movin' towards your goal!