
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Eat Clean Paleo Recipes: Pumpkin Waffles with Maple Glazed Apple Slices #eatclean #glutenfree #dairyfree

I am challenging myself in 2013 to tackle on my new Paleo diet head on!  The only problem is, I don't have any clue how to cook any Paleo meals.  I originally thought that I would only be eating egg whites and meat every morning! Not very exciting if you ask me.  However, after researching many Paleo websites and books, there is so much variety when it comes to meals!  I had never even heard of coconut flour which is apparently a great substitute in Paleo baking.  I now feel that this diet can be possible and not boring!!
So one of my first ever Paleo recipes was from PaleOMG, Pumpkin Apple Spice Waffles.  Luckily, I had a can of pumpkin puree in my cupboard for this scrumptious breakfast treat.  Overall, I would say that these waffles turned out pretty good.  They fell apart a bit when I opened the waffle maker because both sides were stuck.  However, I did manage to get the back together.  When I topped them with the baked, glazed apples, it was the icing on the cake.  I dare you to give these a try!  Go the PaleOMG for the recipe!  And to make it extra Paleo, add some egg whites or meat to your meal!

Want to Eat Clean in 2013!
Join my Eat Clean Pantry Group and start your year to off right!

Available in Canada Only!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Mom, Fitness and Hormones Update - #Paleo Diet in 2013 #sweatpink #fitfluential

It is Paleo diet for me in 2013!  Since succumbing to ill health this past year, I have learned so much about how foods can affect your overall health.  In the Western world, we have all been introduced to the Canadian or American Food Guides that state the foods and portions we need to eat for optimal health benefits.  But the truth is that our society is still plagued with serious diseases and these food recommendations are not helping overcome this.  What is even more disturbing is that they could be contributing to our ill health.
Until this past year when my body became extremely toxic, I had enjoyed consuming high carbs and dairy products as is greatly emphasized in the food guides.  However, I was 30 lbs. over my normal weight and my health was deteriorating.  It wasn't until I eliminated those foods from my diet that I started to see great improvements in my overall health.  My extra weight was starting to come off and I had more energy than ever before.  I started to enjoy exercising again, which I didn't have the motivation for when I was unhealthy. 

So naturally, I had gravitated to the Paleo diet and have vurrently started to implement these changes in my meals.  I think the thought of eliminating grains and dairy in our Western culture can seem like a challenge, but it is actually quite simple.  There are many Paleo recipe books, blogs and websites that can assist anyone in making this change.  I know that I am not a nutritionist or dietitian so I can't make the claim that this is the diet for you.  However, if you have had ill health or weight problems and they have been impossible to overcome, then perhaps trying a Paleo diet may help you over that hurdle.  From this past year, I know that making a drastic diet change is not easy (because nothing in life is ever easy).  But there are many resources on the Internet at your disposal.  You just have to take the plunge and commit.  I know I will!

Paleo Diet Lifestyle -

My Eat Clean Pantry Group Will Be Starting in January 2013!
Join our group of 11 people for a year to better health!
(Available In Canada Only)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

What's In Your Cupboard? Coconut Milk #dairyfree #sweatpink #fitfluential

I believe many of us health nuts have all heard about Coconut Milk.  I always see a variety of new Coconut Milk products in most grocery and health food stores.  It is surprising when I share this with friends and family that they have never heard of it or its benefits over cow's milk. There are so many advantages to including Coconut Milk as a substitute for dairy:
  • Dairy-Free: Coconut Milk is another alternative for those who need to stay away from cow's milk because of intolerances, vegan or paleo lifestyles.  It is also seems to be a better alternative than soy milk, since there has been so much controversy around the health benefits of soy.  In addition, it also tastes amazing! I also like it better than rice milk, because rice milk has such a thin consistency.
  • Medium Chain Fatty Acids: Even though Coconut Milk does have a higher content of saturated fats than skim milks, it is actually more readily absorbed by the body.  It acts as a great energy source and has less adverse affects on the body than long chained fatty acids (LCFAs).  It is rich in medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that do not increase the risk of atherosclerosis or high HDL-Cholesterol. There is also some evidence that it is helpful for weight maintenance after following a restrictive diet.
  • Baking: I also find Coconut Milk great for baking since it has a thick, creamier consistency.  It is great dairy-free substitute for soups and cookies
Some of my most common uses for Coconut Milk are:

Protein Smoothies:
  • 1 Cup of Coconut Milk
  • 1 Cup of Rice Milk (if you want to lessen the amount of saturated fat in your smoothie)
  • 1/2 Cup Frozen Fruit
  • 2 Scoops of Vega Protein Power
Blend together and enjoy

Chai Lattes:
  • 1/2 Cup of Coconut Milk
  • 1/2 Cup of Water
  • 2 Tbsp. of Chai Latte Loose Leaf Tea
Combine and bring to a boil in a saucepan.  Strain.  If you have a milk frother, you can froth the coconut milk to make a frothy topping!

Coconut Milk Yogurt:
 Coconut Milk Yogurt can be used as an alternative to cow's milk yogurt.  It can be a great topper for oatmeal or granola.  It is also great on its own topped with fruit!
Is Coconut Milk In Your Cupboard? 
Please share some of the ways you use Coconut Milk in your diet!  I could always learn more!!

The Bioavailability of Saturated Fats in Coconut Milk - LiveStrong

Sunday, December 23, 2012

For anyone in #Canada, my Eat Clean Pantry Group Will Be Starting in 2013! #sweatpink #runchat

My new Eat Clean Pantry Group will be starting in January 2013! More details to come after Christmas! Until then, eat to your hearts content! Afterwards, join me and start your Eat Clean New Year's Resolution in 2013!
This is available to anyone living in Canada.

For updates on group sign up and information, follow me on:

Monday, December 10, 2012

Picking Myself Up and Gettin' Back To It #runchat #sweatpink

 (Me at our hotel, Flamingo)

Well...after my trip wonderful trip to Vegas with my husband, I have come back with a renewed sense of self.  As some of you know, I was unable to run in the Rock n'Roll Half Marathon due to injury and my nagging health issues (Candida and IBS).  It was so hard for me to watch the race going on while watching from the sidelines.  I had felt so close to achieving this goal of mine to run a half marathon since having children.  Instead my health had gone from okay to worse again over the fall, and I just couldn't justify training for the half marathon when I felt so poorly.  However, taking this much needed break has been a time for me to focus on getting better slowly and not rushing my body into something it is not ready for quite yet.  I realized that I needed to give myself a chance for my body to heal through this difficult year of poor health.  I must say, that it has paid off because that is exactly what I needed.
(Rock n'Roll Marathon in Las Vegas)

One of the best moments of the trip to Vegas, was to re-connect with my husband without our children with us.  This is the first time in 7 years we had taken a trip together for more than a couple of days.  We appreciated having this time to relax throughout the day and do anything we wanted whenever we wanted!  It is a luxury that you don't appreciate very often before you have children.  My husband Mickey and I had a wonderful time eating breakfasts outside in the warm weather as well as watching magnificent shows in the evenings.  And, of course, we had to do a little shopping (LOL).  So the trip did not feel like a waste for me since we didn't run in the race.  It was a chance for us to have time to ourselves, and we took full advantage of it!
 (A relaxing breakfast with my husband outside the Paris hotel in Las Vegas)

So now, with 2013 fast approaching, it is time to re-focus and get back to my game plan.  I am hoping to take time this winter to work on core and strengthening exercises to get ready for the spring running season.  I have a few running events in sight for next year.  One is running in a trail run in the Alberta mountains as well as registering the Las Vegas half marathon next year in December.  Of course, there will be several that I will be running in throughout the year that I will announce in 2013.  I am most excited about getting together with my mom's running group!  I sure miss those Saturday mornings getting together with other moms, as we share our fitness goals as well as life in general (and that after run coffee time).  I am not sure what this year will hold for me health wise, but you go to always have hope to keep yourself going!


Friday, October 12, 2012

Foodie Friday with Epicure: Carrot Cranberry Muffins #glutenfree #dairyfree #epicure

I have really enjoyed dried cranberries lately, and have been looking to add them to whatever recipe I can.  With my fridge tray full of carrots, I decided to combine both to bake Carrot Cranberry Muffins.  As part of an Eat Clean diet, the challenge is always trying to reduce your sugar intake especially in baking.  Traditionally most muffins, especially store-bought, are high in calories, sugars and fats.  However, most muffin recipes can be adapted to include less of these and still taste delicious.  I also find that my best homemade gluten free muffins are when they include pureed/grated vegetables and fruits to add a bit of moistness.  In addition, I like to use my combination of chickpea and brown rice flours.  Rice flours tend to be a bit drier when baking so chickpea flour adds a bit of moistness (and the brown rice flour offsets the beanie flavour of the chickpeas).   And as always, I love adding Epicure Selections spices such as Ground Allspice!


1 cup Chickpea Flour
1/2 cup Brown Rice Flour
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 cup Dried Cranberries
1 tsp. Epicure Selections Allspice
1/2 cup Sucanat Sugar
1/2 cup Apple Sauce
1/2 cup Vegan Butter (Earth Balance)
3 1/2 tbsp. Egg White (or use 1 Whole Egg)
1 cup Finely Grated Carrots (**I use my food processor to grate the carrots to fine pieces)

  1. Combine dry ingredients together.
  2. Combine vegan butter and sucanat sugar together.  Then add apple sauce, egg white and grated carrots.  Stir until well combined.
  3. Add dry ingredients to the carrot mixture and combine.
  4. Add to a greased muffin tin.
  5. Cook at 325 degrees F for 20 minutes.
  6. Enjoy!

Spice up your baking with Allspice from Epicure Selections.
For this and other products, contact me to see how you can add this to your kitchen pantry!


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday Fit Training: What #SweatPink Means To Me #sahm #wahm

Since becoming a Sweat Pink Ambassador, I have been able to be proud in this accomplishment and reflect on this past year.  It was almost a year ago when some of my major health issues started to arise.  After going through a terrible viral and yeast infection, as well as acquiring celiac disease, my body and dietary needs have changed drastically.  It has been very difficult year, especially trying to take care of three young children.
However, the good that has come out from all of this is my reclaim to eating healthy, clean food and exercising regularly.  Through this struggle I have learned to eat foods that are best for my body.  There are times that I wish I could have a bagel or an ice-cream treat, but I know how it will affect my body.  The great part of my diet now is that I have been able to find other gluten free and dairy free foods and recipes that can replace with those other foods.
Another benefit of this year is getting back to exercise.  As a former athlete and fitness enthusiast, not having that in my life over the past few years had been very depressing.  But what has also changed is the type of fitness activities I am able to do now.  Since becoming ill, I have been trying to get back to running again.  However, this seems to be very hard on my body now.  My joints and muscles become very sore for days afterwards as well as nausea.  I have been fighting throughout these past few months because I really want to race the Las Vegas Rock n'Roll Half Marathon in December.  It doesn't look like I will be able to accomplish this goal after talking it through with my naturopathic doctor.  As disappointed as I am, I really need to listen to my body and come to the realization that running may not be the activity for me anymore (or at this time).  My body still seems to be healing.  Instead I have been enjoying other activities such as weight training, yoga, and cardio fitness classes. 
For me, to be a Sweat Pink Ambassador means that I have discovered the best ways to keep my body healthy and happy.  We all have different journeys and struggles in our lives to get to where we are today.  Some of us can relate to each others' stories which is what makes the Sweat Pink Ambassador group so fantastic.  I have learned so much from other ladies in the group and feel honoured to be part of it with them.  I will continue to do my best maintain my new found eat clean, healthy lifestyle.  I am excited for this new part of my life.  I have recently started my Epicure Selections business as an Independent Consultant.  My Open House starts next week.  I can't wait to share with my friends, family and followers how Epicure spices have helped me through this past year with gluten free and dairy free meals.  I hope things will continue to get better!

I love Sweating Pink!!

Please take the time to visit my Epicure Selections personal website
I would love your support or help you cook delicious, healthy recipes such as Steamed Salmon and Asparagus!

If you are from Canada, Epicure Selections is looking for people to join their team.  Contact me through my personal website if you would like some more information.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Slow Cook Roast Chicken with Epicure Seasoning Garlic and Herb Spice #glutenfree #dairyfree #epicure

Looking for an easy and healthy meal option!  Slow Cook Roasted Chicken is one my favourite Sunday night meals.  I love smelling the chicken roasting throughout the day in the slow cooker with the combination of Epicure Selections Herb & Garlic Dip Mix spice!  The garlicky aroma in the house leaves me anxiously awaiting the meal before it comes.  If you are wanting a healthier version of this meal, just peel off the skin before serving.  With the chicken slow cooking along with the spices throughout the whole day, the flavour will seep into the whole bird, so you won't miss out on the delicious spices.

  1. Cut-up 1 cup of vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions) and place at the bottom of the slow cooker.
  2. Place the whole chicken on top of the vegetables.
  3. Sprinkle with 1-2 Tbsp. Epicure Selections Herb & Garlic Dip Mix seasoning.
  4. Cook on Low for 8-10 hours.
  5. Enjoy!

Infuse savoury notes into pasta and mashed potatoes, or add to butter for easy garlic bread. Kosher
Order your Herb & Garlic Dip Mix Today!

Simple Smoothie Wednesday: Strawberry Smoothie With Vega Bodacious Berry #sweatpink #fitfluential

It can be difficult for some, such as myself, to find good food products that are gluten, dairy and soy free.  However, there are products out there but it may take a while for you to find the right one that also doesn't taste too bad. I am also very disappointed to have to switch from my USANA brand protein mixes because they contain soy protein and higher amounts of sugar than I would prefer. I finally found Vega Energizing Smoothie Bodacious Berry Mix at my local grocery store.  It is everything that I need in a protein shake.  Vega Bodacious Berry contains pea, rice and hemp proteins that provides about 10g of protein per serving.  It also contains a green blend (2 serving of veggies), digestive enzymes and Omega-3 blend.  The huge bonus for me is that there is no sugar added and, of course, gluten, dairy, and soy free.
I combined this mix with rice milk, frozen strawberries and extra tablespoon of milled flaxseeds.  It was very delicious as my post-run snack!

Take tea time to a new level! Classically styled tea pot and accessories make a beautiful gift for the tea lover on your list (and you too!). The Brentwood Insulated Tea Pot, Brewing Basket, Christmas Tea, A Perfect Cup of Tea Spoon, Seasonal Gift Bag

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Eating Clean with Baked Cranberry and Apple Oatmeal #sweatpink #fitfluential #epicure

I am on a huge Eat-Clean Diet kick at the moment!  I bought a few of Tosca Reno's Eat-Clean Diet recipe books and I am dying to try all that I can!  The Caledon Baked Oatmeal from her Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook caught my eye right away as a great meal for breakfast.  I am huge lover of oatmeal and the recipe combines many more of my favourites, apples and dried cranberries (Epicure Selections Cherries and Berries).  After making the recipe this morning, I was not disappointed!  Best of all for me, it is gluten and dairy free as well as vegan.  In addition, I added some Epicure Selections Pumpkin Pie Spice to give it a little fall zing!

To spice up your morning oatmeal, try Epicure Selections Pumpkin Pie Spice!

Tuesday Half Marathon Training Day 58: Things I Am Thankful For #sweatpink #fitfluential #smgirlfriends

It was Canadian Thanksgiving this past weekend, a time to reflect on things in our lives we are thankful for while surrounded by family.  There is no doubt that I am thankful for the wonderful family I have, my beautiful children and loving husband.  With all of my newly acquired allergies and sensitivities, I definitely very thankful for my health and how it has come along this year.  Though my body still feels that it going through some healing stages, it has improved so much then when I got really sick last year (right around Thanksgiving). 
I am constantly learning about the benefits and harmful effects of food.  I rearrange my diet on an on-going basis.  My naturopath and I recently decided that I should eliminate soy from my diet, to see if things such as my glands and sinuses will improve.  I am currently dairy free and gluten free, so the next step is eliminating this high allergen food to see if this will make some improvements.  This means that I won't be able to perform any more RESETS from USANA for awhile.  Since most of their products contain soy (except for Go Nuts n' Berries Bars) I don't feel it makes sense to promote their products to others if I am not taking them myself.  However, this will help me focus on my current Epicure Selections business as an Independent Consultant, because their products basically saved my life this year while I was on the anti-Candida diet.

With my health improving, I am thankful that I am able to run long distances again!  When you have severe IBS and nausea, running more than a few kilometers is less than ideal.  Now that seems to be healed, I was able to run 12 km on Thanksgiving Monday with ease!  It was a very cool, but beautiful day around the river bank.  I felt so thankful that I was well enough to run on that day.  I feel that I will never look at my health or nutrition the same way again after the struggles this past year.  However, I should be thankful that I have the ability to change and improve my lifestyle choices.  I will never take my health for granted ever again!

Sage & Apple Stuffing Seasoning

This aromatic blend of mellow sage and sweet apple makes a delicious, savoury stuffing that’s perfect for turkey, chicken, and all other roasted meats. One jar seasons 30 cups (7.5 L). Kosher.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday Madness Epicure Sale: Ginberbread Spice and Baking Tray With Gluten Free Cookie Recipe #glutenfree #dairyfree #recipe

It is that time of year for loads of holiday baking! Epicure Selections is hosting a fantastic sale this month.  The perfect combination for baking your gingerbread cookies: Baking Sheet, Silicone Baking Mat, and Gingerbread Spices!  All for the sale price of $29.99 (Retail $39.87).

For those of us who are gluten-free, dairy-free or following a healthy diet, I have adapted the Classic Holiday Gingerbread Cookies from Epicure Selections.  It is gluten-free, dairy-free and low-cholesterol.  The best part is that each cookie is less than 2 grams of fat!


  • 1 1/2 cups  (375 ml) chickpea flour
  • 1 1/2 cups (375 ml) brown rice flour
  • 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) Epicure's Baking Powder
  • 1 Tbsp (15 ml) Epicure's Gingerbread Spices
  • 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml) salt
  • 1/2 cup (125 ml) vegan butter
  • 1/2 cup (125 ml) packed succanat brown sugar
  • 3 Tbsp. Egg White
  • 1/2 cup (125 ml) molasses


1. Preheat oven to 350° F (175° C).
2. Whisk first 4 ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Set aside.
3. Cream vegan butter with sugar in a second mixing bowl until light and fluffy. Beat in egg whites and molasses.
4. Add dry ingredients to creamed mixture and mix until well-combined.
5. Form dough into a ball, cut in half and form each half into a flattened disc. Chill for 30 minutes.
6. Roll out dough on a lightly floured surface to a thickness of 1/8"–1/4" (3–6 mm). Cut into desired shapes and place on Epicure's parchment-lined Baking Sheet.
7. Bake for 10–12 minutes. Store in an airtight container at room temperature.


Contact Roz Jutras, Epicure Selections Independent Consultant, 
to order your Baking Tray, Silcone Mat, and Gingerbread Spices today to make the best, healthful gingerbread cookies for your family!


Friday, October 5, 2012

Foodie Friday with Epicure: Mini Egg-White Quiche #sweatpink #fitfluential #glutenfree #smgirlfriends #epicure

The first time I tried mini egg quiches, was a few months ago at a family brunch.  They were so delicious!  The only problem for me is that I didn't like the high cholesterol or fat content.  So I adapted the recipe myself to make them low fat and added a few more veggies for extra antioxidants and fiber!  In addition, I added my favourite Epicure Selections spice mix Cheese, Chives and Bacon to give it some extra zip!

  • 3/4 cup Egg Whites
  • 1/4 cup Diced Red Pepper
  • 1/4 cup Chopped Asparagus
  • 1/2 package Frozen Spinach
  • 1/2 cup Onion
  • 1-2 Tbsp. Cheese, Chives and Bacon Epicure Seasoning
  1. Spray muffin tins
  2. Thaw and drain spinach.  Pat dry with paper towel to remove excess water.
  3. Mix all ingredients together in bowl.
  4. Pour in muffin tins.
  5. Bake in oven at 350 degrees F for about 20 minutes until cooked.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Foodie Friday with Epicure: Taco Turkey Chili #glutenfree #dairyfree #sweatpink #fitfluential

One of my favourite slow cooker recipes is Turkey Chili.  I added some Taco Spice from Epicure Selections, and it added some awesome mexican flavour to the chili.  This is a very hearty meal, full of protein and gluten free!!

1 Cup Chopped Onion
1 Cup Chopped Red Pepper
1 Tbsp. Olive Oil
1.5 lbs. Lean Ground Turkey
28 oz. Can Diced Tomatoes
2 14 oz. Cans Kidney Beans
2 Tbsp. Epicure Taco Seasoning

  1. Heat olive oil in large pan.  Add chopped onion and red pepper.  Cook medium heat until onions are softened.
  2. Add ground turkey to large pan.  Heat medium high until meat is no longer pink.
  3. Transfer meat mixture to crock pot/slow cooker.  Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.
  4. Cook on High for 5 hours or Low for 10 hours.
  5. This meal will go great with corn chips or Udi's Gluten-Free Buns.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday Training Day 44: Going The Distance #sweatpink #fitfluential #runchat #momsrunning

I am at the point in my half marathon training where the realization of running past 10 km almost seems like an impossible feat.  Some of my fellow runner friends make it seem so easy!  But after conquering my Day 44 training of running 11.43km, I felt very unsure if I will be able to make it to the 13.1 mile half marathon event!  I know that mentally going into this past run that I wasn't thinking very positively about it.  Instead I started doubting myself and thinking 'what a waste of time' in my day. 
As a mother who works full-time, the weekends are very precious to our family, catching up on time together.  With our already busy weekend, my mind was preoccupied with resting and relaxing.  I know I didn't properly prepare for my run mentally or physically.  I wasn't hydrated properly nor did I eat enough calories that morning sufficient enough for running the 11 km.  It definitely showed in my run my lack of prep.  I felt so awful all throughout, and felt worse after.  However, I got through it and I can be proud of myself for that.  I would definitely call this a learning experience to plan for each of my long runs.  I am hoping this next weekends long run will be a bit better then this past one.  I just have to believe that I can conquer these runs and that I will be well prepared for my half marathon in December.

Next RESET With Roz 5-Day Detox Challenge Start Tuesday, October 9th!
Orders must be in by Friday, September 28th.
Phone: 1-866-515-2321

Monday, September 24, 2012

Thanksgiving RESET Challenge #sweatpink #fitfluential #glutenfree

THE 5 - 5 - 5 DAY PLAN

 5 days of Supplements + 5 day Fitness Program + 5 day *Meal Plan =


*Gluten-Free, Vegetarian and Vegan Meal Plans are also available

Hi Moms,

Well…in anticipation for the Thanksgiving Dinner over-indulgance, it is the perfect time to for a detox!
We thought it would be fun to do one together (who wants to cleanse alone!)
We were thinking of starting on Tuesday, October 9th.

Would you like to join us?

The program is one of the leading cleanses around the world and is manufactured under pharmaceutical grade standards.

It’s called the 5-Day Reset.

Who is it for?

-Sugar Babes (those of us who can’t live without sugar)
-Carb Queens (cereal and bread lovers!)
-Stressed out entrepreneurs (and the rest of us who just work too hard and too much)
-Anyone wanting to shed 5-7 pounds
-Chocolate lovers (had a little too much this past holiday perhaps?)

We’ll be cleansing together for 5 days under guided supervision and coaching. There will be daily instructions and that include a fitness program and meal plan.
In addition, there will be Receive recommendations and suggestions for after we’re done.

In addition, you will receive:
·       Epicure Seasonings to spice up your meals
·       Smoothie Recipe Book
·       A chance to win Epicure Selections Top 6 Spice Collection (Random Draw)

Cost: $137+tax (discounted price)
Ships to your front door
Orders need to be submitted by Friday, September 28th
We’ll start together on Tuesday, October 9th

Please email me asap to join in on the fun as we’ll need to order by this Friday, August 22nd!

Or Call:

Friday, September 21, 2012

Foodie Friday With Epicure - Gluten Free Turkey Burgers #sweatpink #fitfluential #glutenfree

As a newly Epicure Selections Independent Consultant and an avid user of their spices for several years, I love experimenting their products on my gluten free and healthy lifestyle.  So the other evening I really wanted to spice up my very bland turkey burgers.  I had used several other spices in the past, but did not turn out to my satisfaction.  Then at our Thursday night's supper, I tried adding Epicure's Cheese, Chives and Bacon Seasoning.  Wowee...was it good!  And the great part is, it is only 20 calories per tablespoon and 0.5g of fat (0.1 saturated fat).  Along with egg whites and gluten free crackers, this makes delicious turkey burger recipe!

It was so delicious that I just had to share the recipe!


1 lb. Ground Turkey Meat
6 Tbsp. Egg White
50 g (1 packet) Glutino Vegetable Gluten Free Crackers
4 Tbsp. Epicures's Cheese, Chives and Bacon Seasoning
Oil for cooking

  1. Mix all ingredients together very well (may have to use your hands).
  2. Shape meat mixture into patties
  3. Cook on burgers on grill or pan at medium to medium-high heat for 10-15 minutes.  Turn half way through cooking.
  4. Enjoy with a side vegetable.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday Training Day 40: Making Gains With Weights #sweatpink #fitfluential #plankaday

One of my favourite morning workouts to start the day is Power Class!  Most times when I get up at 4:55am, the thought of doing weights is not the most appealing.  However, when I get to the gym and my gear all set, I am ready to go!  When I started my half marathon training, I knew I needed to do some weight training.  My experience as a university track athlete taught me that the gains you make in your performance comes from gains you make in the gym.
I have to admit that I haven't hit the weights in about 6 years, since starting to have children.  I think I was a bit intimidated going back to the weight room.  I was worried that I would embarrass myself compared to all the other individuals in the room, who are predominantly male.  That is why I chose the Power class because I felt comfortable in a class setting.  Since attending class twice a week, I feel more comfortable and stronger than I did when I started.  In addition, the class is great for developing muscle endurance because that is what training for a half marathon is all about.
I know that one day I will be back in the main gym area to focus on more muscles strength.  For now, Power class is my "perfect cup of tea" for my morning workouts!
And I also got my 1:30 min. #PLANKADAY before I left the gym.  And this exercise I did do in the main weight room because I am not intimidated to show this accomplishment!!

Do you go to the weight room on a regular basis?  What is your favourite type of resistance exercise and why?

Roz Jutras, B.Sc. Kin.
Moms In Motion Coach, Sweat Pink Ambassador, USANA Health Representative


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Early Mornings Are My Thing #sweatpink #fitfluential #runchat #momsrunning

I never thought before I started my run training, that I would turn into a morning workout guru!  I have to say that before I had children, I would never call myself a 'morning person'.  But now that I am a mother, I have been trained into becoming one.  My morning workouts usually start at around 5:30am (weekends 6:00am), where the sky is now pitch black.  However, once I step out of the house and onto the road I look forward to what lies ahead down the road.
One of the best parts of the area where I live is that we are so close to a river with an amazing trail.  Once I hit that trail from my home approximately 10 minutes have gone by, and the sun is starting to rise.  It is so beautiful, almost magical to watch.  This has been my biggest motivator for getting up so early to workout.  It is partly because I am a busy mama and this seems to be the time during the day to get my workout in before our house awakes.  But it is mostly because of the scenery I get to see along the run.  It is unlike the one I get later on in the day.  It makes me feel almost lucky to be able to see this with my own eyes!
I think we all need to find some kind of motivation to keep us going on whatever goal or journey we have for ourselves.  My training for the Las Vegas Rock n'Roll Half Marathon is my big motivator for getting me up almost every morning to train.  Though, I would say that the view I see on these mornings may keep me motivated well beyond my race event.






Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Madness Giveaway: HealthPak

I am so excited this Monday to present my HealthPak giveaway!!  If you're looking for a convenient way to take your daily supplements, the HealthPak from USANA has the solution!

Nutritional supplements are most effective when used every day. USANA makes it convenient to stay on schedule with pre-packed daily AM and PM doses of the Essentials™ supplements together with our Active Calcium Plus and AO Booster—a powerful dose of antioxidants. No counting. No separating. No excuses. And this pre-packed combination is more than a multivitamin.

Health Basics
  • Provides the full daily dose of the top-rated USANA® Essentials (Mega Antioxidant and MultiMineral Plus)
  • Includes Active Calcium Plus™, a core USANA Optimizer
  • Includes USANA’s unique AO Booster™ for added antioxidant protection
Did You Know?
  • HealthPak provides added convenience, making it easy to reach your daily nutritional goals!
USANA Difference
  • Effective
  • Safe
  • Science-based
  • Pharmaceutical Quality

 To enter this Monday Madness Contest:

  1. Join our Facebook Blog Page.
  2. Fill in the required contest information and state your wellness/fitness goals for the short-term.  We could all use inspiration from others!

This winner will be determined via  The contest ends this evening, September 17th at 11:59PM CST.  The winner will be announced tomorrow morning, September 18th.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Slow Cook Chicken and Sweet Potatoe Stew #sweatpink #fitfluential #glutenfree #dairyfree

Super easy to make!  A very hearty stew that is gluten-free and dairy-free as well as lean protein.  My kids also approve of this healthy meal!

2-3 cups of Diced Yams or Sweet Potatoe
1 1/2 lbs. Diced Chicken
1/2 cup Chicken Broth
1 tsp. Cumin
1 tsp. Ginger
1 tsp. Mild Curry
1 tsp. Chili Powder
2 cups Frozen Mixed Vegetables
1 Tbsp. Arrowroot Flour

  1. Place yams/sweet potatoe in bottom of crock pot.  Top with diced chicken.  
  2. Sprinkle spices on top of the chicken.  Pour the chicken broth over the chicken.
  3. Cook on High for 3-4 hours (or low for 6-7 hours)
  4. Mix in frozen vegetables and arrowroot flour.  Stir.
  5. Cook on High for another 30 minutes until frozen vegetables are cooked.
  6. Enjoy!
*I also like to garnish with sliced avocados.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

On My Plate: Slow Cook Lentil Pasta Sauce With Quinoa Pasta #sweatpink #fitfluential #glutenfree #vegan

This is the perfect meal for our family's vegan supper night.  My children love this pasta sauce!


1 cup chopped onion
2 cups sliced zuchinni
1 cup grated carrot
1 cup of chopped celery
19 oz can of lentils
6 cups of pasta sauce
Box of quinoa pasta

  1. Heat pan with olive oil at medium heat.  Add in all vegetables and saute until onion is cooked.  Remove from heat.
  2. Pour pasta and lentils in pan with vegetables and stir.
  3. Transfer to crock pot/slow cooker.  Cook on high for 3 hours (or low for 6 hours).
  4. Follow directions to cook quinoa pasta
  5. Enjoy!

Viva Las Vegas Half Marathon Training Day 30

I can officially say that I feel like a runner!!  It is Day 30 of my training and my body feels stronger and tighter then when I started on Day 1.  I had already lost a lot of weight this year with focusing on my diet with light exercise.  However, I did not feel toned in areas of my body such as my core.  Since I have started I, religiously, perform weight training 3 times a week.  I have feel as strong as I was before I had children.  I can especially feel the difference in my hips.  After having three children, my lower back and hips would always ache after I exercised.  By focusing on core work such as my #plankaday exercises, the pain has virtually gone away.  I ran 8km today and did not feel any weakness in my back!  This is a huge accomplishment for me because I was starting to fear that I would never be able to run far again if I couldn't correct this.  It just goes to show that when you workout and eat right consistently, you will begin to see results.  It also takes time:)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Viva Las Vegas Training Day 25 - Taking Breaks Is A Good Thing

I had such an awesome 8km run tonight. I took four days off of my training this past weekend. I think with all of the back to school preparations and working full-time, I started to feel a bit
worn down. My IBS has been acting up again, so I know that I needed to rest to allow my body to heal and to take the necessary supplements.  I have learned over the past few months to listen to my body and take the much needed rest it needs. It worked out great because I had the best run ever!!! I was starting to get a bit discouraged last week, because my IBS was affecting my running.  However, I have been feeling great the last five days so I think things will be good from here on in.  
In addition, I did my 2 minute #Plankaday. I was surprised how strong I felt afterwards!  It gets easier every time:)